8 Common Financial Mistakes And Money Errors Made by Startups

Financial mistake

Most startups face a lot of financial management challenges in their journey to success. While staying attuned to market dynamics, and embracing sound financial principles help startups enhance their chances of achieving long-term success, very few can dodge common financial mistakes.  In this blog, Finsmart Accounting – one of the leading accounts outsourcing services providers […]

Internal Controls and Accounting: Importance, Types and More

internal controls accounting

Imagine working in a bustling kitchen. Orders fly in, pans sizzling, and the aroma of delicious food fills the air. But what if there’s no one keeping track of ingredients? What if no one’s maintaining a hygiene check? Absolute CHAOS! That’s the importance of internal controls in accounting for businesses in India.  The situation is […]

Year End Tax Planning for Global Businesses: 10 Strategies and Tips

year end tax planning for global businesses

As the year calendar draws to close, a lot of businesses operating globally find themselves in a crucial juncture for strategic financial planning. Year-end tax planning strategies can significantly impact operations, allowing businesses to access the fiscal positions in front of competitors. Still, a lot of businesses operating on a global scale are not familiar […]

Payroll Data Security: 10 Must-Haves From Top Accounting Firms

Payroll data security

Do you know the average cost of a data breach was $4.45 million in 2023? Everyday use of software, smart devices, and work technologies during business operations acts as a gateway for cyber attackers and increases the risk of data breaches. With the increasing number of data breaches and cyberattacks, securing payroll data has become […]

Paytm Compliance Fiasco: RBI Notice, Financial Issues, and Tips for Businesses

Compliance for business

In the past week, a lot has been written about the Paytm-RBI issue, and the virtual bank’s compliance challenges. Since there’s a lot of noise around this case, we are here to break it down. On January 31st, the Reserve Bank of India ordered Paytm Payments Banks, a restricted bank and subsidiary of Paytm to […]

Accounting Firm for MNCs: What to Expect and More

hiring accounting firm

Managing accounting can be a daunting task for MNCs operating in India. Given they have numerous responsibilities on their plate, they often find themselves struggling with this crucial function. And we all know what happens if accounting oopsies occur. Errors, penalties, and unforeseen challenges! So, what’s the solution?  *Enter the concept of hiring outsourced accounting […]

Choosing Payroll Services for MNCs: 9 Key Considerations

international payroll services

For MNCs, managing payroll in India is no small feat. The intricacies of international regulations, varying tax codes, and diverse employee structures make payroll a potential minefield. A single error in the process can result in severe penalties, erode employees’ trust, and even hinder the overall financial health of the organisation. *Enters global payroll services*  […]

How to Maximize Tax Deductions in 2024: Expert Advice, Pro Tips and Strategies 

how to maximize tax deductions

Paying taxes in a timely and efficient manner is becoming increasingly important for businesses of all sizes in India. To minimize your liability during tax filing, it’s critical to be aware of deductions and rebates sanctioned by the government.  As we approach the tax season 2024, new businesses and individuals are eager to discover ways […]

External vs. Internal Audit: Everything Covered for Young Entrepreneurs

External vs internal audit

External and internal audits are two distinct processes that organisations use to access and improve their operations, financial reporting, and compliance with regulations. While the concept isn’t very technical, young business owners often face challenges in understanding the crucial differences between external audit and internal audit. That’s why we decided to share almost everything about […]

Outsourced Restaurant Accounting: Benefits, Hiring Tips, and More

outsourced restaurant accounting

Success of a restaurant hinges on more than just the quality of the food and service. The tracking of revenue, expenses, payroll, taxes, and endless accounting paperwork becomes a daunting task for restaurant managers while simultaneously striving to provide an exceptional dining experience.  This is where Finsmart’s outsourced accounting services can prove to be a […]

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